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you. me. elevator.

The chances of this happening are slim. I know. Nobody actually meets the person they’re hoping to run into – in an elevator, for that matter – and delivers the perfect pitch. But for a moment, just pretend. Here we are: you, looking for someone to remember; and me, wanting only to impress you. I introduce myself. We shake hands. And a conversation unfolds. We travel one floor – and I tell you that I studied writing, public relations, and advertising in school. Another – and I compliment your company. Two more â€“ and I say that I'm a writer; that I can craft a voice for anything. Three – and I explain how I’m always able to come up with creative ideas; like there's an endless supply just waiting in my head for the right opportunity to take shape. You seem interested. You smile. And when we finally come to a stop, the doors open. We shake hands again. I give you my business card. And as you turn to leave, I ask you to give me a chance – challenge me. And when I'm done, I promise, my work will impress you. 

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